The Special Diabetes Program is Renewed for One Year

Good news! The House and Senate approved a 1-year renewal of the Special Diabetes Program at the current level of 300 million dollars: 150 million dollars goes towards Type 1 diabetes medical research through the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and 150 million dollars goes towards Type 2 diabetes prevention and treatment programs for American . . . → Continue reading: The Special Diabetes Program is Renewed for One Year

JDRF Government Days

On March 11th, 2014, 190 JDRF advocates from across the country traveled to Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to meet with their legislators to request a 5-year renewal of the Special Diabetes Program (SDP).

The SDP funds medical research to find better treatments and ultimately a cure for Type 1 diabetes. The SDP is set . . . → Continue reading: JDRF Government Days

The Diabetes Disconnect

Recently I saw a friend whom I hadn’t seen for a long time. When I pulled out my daughters’ meters and lancets to check blood sugars, she said “I didn’t think you still had to do that.”

This is not the first time I’ve heard someone say this. People seem to interpret the advent of . . . → Continue reading: The Diabetes Disconnect

Taking the Steps to a Cure for Type 1: The Special Diabetes Program


The Special Diabetes Program (SDP) legislates 150 million dollars for Type 1 Diabetes research annually. The SPD was renewed in 2012 for one year (previously renewed for 3 years), so it will be up for renewal again this year. Multi-year funding is needed to plan for and continue large-scale trials.

Research studies that the . . . → Continue reading: Taking the Steps to a Cure for Type 1: The Special Diabetes Program

JDRF Children’s Congress Application Deadline is Nov. 1st

The next JDRF Children’s Congress will be held in Washington, D.C. on July 8th to July 10th, 2013. Children ages 4 to 17 are eligible to apply. It is a chance for children to advocate for a cure for Type 1 diabetes themselves. They will meet their members of congress and other children with diabetes . . . → Continue reading: JDRF Children’s Congress Application Deadline is Nov. 1st

Highlights from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Children’s Congress


The JDRF Children’s Congress meets every other year in Washington, D.C. and took place this year June 20-22, 2011. The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation delegates included 150 children, ages 4 to 17, from every state, and several international delegates, who traveled to Washington to advocate for a cure for Type 1 diabetes. In addition to . . . → Continue reading: Highlights from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Children’s Congress