By JuicyMama, on July 3rd, 2016% After my daughter’s OmniPod insulin pump pod emitted a high pitched continuous alarm during a midterm, she decided to switch back to the Tslim insulin pump. The alarm interrupted everyone taking the exam, and she had to get up and leave the room while the pod still alarmed. She went to the nurse’s office and . . . → Continue reading: Switching Back to the Tslim From the OmniPod and Back Again
By JuicyMama, on January 30th, 2016%
Nothing frustrates me more than getting an error message after applying blood to the test strip in the glucometer. These error messages seem way too frequent. Sometimes the blood stops half way. Sometimes there isn’t enough blood. Sometimes the meter has timed out, or the meter is still on the code screen. Sometimes my younger . . . → Continue reading: Error Messages When Testing Blood Sugar Levels
By JuicyMama, on April 2nd, 2014% Good news! The House and Senate approved a 1-year renewal of the Special Diabetes Program at the current level of 300 million dollars: 150 million dollars goes towards Type 1 diabetes medical research through the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and 150 million dollars goes towards Type 2 diabetes prevention and treatment programs for American . . . → Continue reading: The Special Diabetes Program is Renewed for One Year
By JuicyMama, on March 27th, 2014% On March 11th, 2014, 190 JDRF advocates from across the country traveled to Capitol Hill in Washington, DC to meet with their legislators to request a 5-year renewal of the Special Diabetes Program (SDP).
The SDP funds medical research to find better treatments and ultimately a cure for Type 1 diabetes. The SDP is set . . . → Continue reading: JDRF Government Days
By JuicyMama, on July 22nd, 2013%
The combination of Florida sunshine and palm trees, Mickey Mouse ice cream bars and princesses, and so many smiles and hugs from friends for life makes diabetes feel a lot less bumpy and grumpy.
Because of attending the 2013 Children With Diabetes Friends For Life Conference in Orlando, Florida, plans are underway for us . . . → Continue reading: The 2013 Children With Diabetes Friends For Life Conference in Orlando, Florida
By JuicyMama, on April 18th, 2013%
The Special Diabetes Program (SDP) legislates 150 million dollars for Type 1 Diabetes research annually. The SPD was renewed in 2012 for one year (previously renewed for 3 years), so it will be up for renewal again this year. Multi-year funding is needed to plan for and continue large-scale trials.
Research studies that the . . . → Continue reading: Taking the Steps to a Cure for Type 1: The Special Diabetes Program
By JuicyMama, on February 5th, 2013% This week my 5-year-old daughter will be celebrating her 5th-year diaversary (the day will also mark 9 child-years of Type 1 diabetes in our family).
“Unlimited possibility” is her future, according to Sebastien Sasseville. In his presentation at the Children With Diabetes Focus on Technology conference in Crystal City, Virginia on February 3, 2013, he . . . → Continue reading: The Five Year Diaversary
By JuicyMama, on February 29th, 2012% The Focus On Technology Children With Diabetes Conference was held on February 25-26th, 2012, in West Conshohocken, PA and was the 53rd Children With Diabetes Conference.
The Saturday morning keynote address, CGMS and New Technology, was given by Dr. Henry Anhalt, Chief Medical Officer and Medical Director of the Artificial Pancreas Program for Animas.
Other . . . → Continue reading: The Focus On Technology Children With Diabetes Conference
By JuicyMama, on October 25th, 2010%
Breakthrough – The Dramatic Story of the Discovery of Insulin and the Era of New Hope is an exhibit at the New York Historical Society on display from October 5, 2010 to January 31, 2011.
The exhibit coincides with the publication of a book on the discovery of insulin, Breakthrough, Elizabeth Hughes, the Discovery . . . → Continue reading: New Exhibit on the Discovery of Insulin
Welcome to JuicyMama’s Blog
As a mother with two kids with Type I diabetes, I always have juice with me. Yes, I am one JuicyMama!
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the pancreas no longer makes insulin.
Insulin is a hormone that enables cells to take up glucose from the bloodstream so the body can function.