10 Juicy Traveling Tips

1. Make a list of your diabetes supplies and use it as a packing list.

2. Consider obtaining a loaner spare pump from the pump company.

3. Use an insulin vial holder, so the vial won’t break if it’s dropped.

4. Pack extra insulin in an insulated bag with an ice pack, and bring an insulin cooling case in case there’s no refrigerator or it’s hot.

5. Bring an up-to-date pump settings print-out.

6. Pack supplies with the prescription labels on them.

7. Pack extra supplies of everything, and extra juice for lows, of course.

8. Keep the diabetes supplies with you in the carry-on luggage.

9. Tell your children about the airport pat down in advance.

10. Travel to places like the Children With Diabetes conferences, so help is always nearby!


Below are links to more tips for traveling with diabetes.


Traveling advice from the American Diabetes Association.

Diabetes Advocacy includes a packing list.

Traveling suggestions from webmd.

Traveling info from the National Diabetes Education Program.


Bon Voyage!


